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Technical update #40

Our Data Models Inventory was revamped, making it more accessible and easy for you to navigate!

date:  31/05/2024

The EBSI Team has been working on preparing the network mesh in the Production-grade network and assisting with the deployment of Pre-production and Production nodes. Additionally, they have been looking into the possibility of extending the security monitoring measures and on how to provide a solution for the remote signing in Besu. 

The European Blockchain Partnership (EBP) hosted on 21 May its Technical Group Quarterly Meeting, where the EBSI Team presented the latest technical updates.

Additionally,  from 15 June onwards, Confluence users will be required to have the EU Login Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) enabled in their EU Login account in order to access any of the Confluence pages that include (/wikis) in their URL. This will greatly increase the security of data stored in our Confluence spaces. Please note, that if you are impacted by this, it is crucial that you enable the 2FA in your EU Login account; otherwise, you won’t be able to access any Confluence pages anymore.

In order to activate the 2FA, please follow this video. In case you experience problems activating your 2FA, please check the FAQ or open a ticket to describe your issue. Make sure to include the following information:

  • Did you use a European Commission computer for your activation (yes/no)?
  • Screenshot of the issue
  • Description of the issue → Which verification method (as mentioned on pages 4-5 of the attached tutorial) did you use and which problem did you encounter?