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Policy Update #37

Last month, the European Blockchain Partnership (EBP) held its Policy Group Quarterly Meeting! The meeting brought together EBP member state representatives and focused on updating the delegations on EBSI's activities and pilot projects over the last few months, and on addressing the creation of the EUROPEUM-EDIC which will allow EBSI to move into production.

date:  26/01/2024

On 14 December 2023, the European Commission adopted an amendment to the Digital Europe Work Programme 2023-2024. Thanks to this amendment, additional funding will be available, in the form of two new grants: for EBSI and for the creation of the EUROPEUM-EDIC. The first grant will be allocated to procurement for EBSI, symbolising a continuous support from the European Commission towards the initiative. The second grant, a co-funding grant, will be allocated towards EBSI's activities within the EUROPEUM-EDIC, and its creation.

You can read more about the Programme and the new amendment here!

December was also marked by the Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act). The Presidency of the Council of the EU and the European Parliament's negotiators reached a provisional agreement concerning artificial intelligence (AI). The proposal's aim is to harmonise rules concerning AI regulation in order to ensure AI systems, used in the EU, respect its fundamental rights. This agreement will also incentivise innovation and investment of the EU in AI systems, while keeping a watchful eye over some particular high risk-bearing AI systems. If you are interested about this topic you may find more about the AI Act here.