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Commission amends Guidelines on Regional State aid to allow increased support to Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform projects

The European Commission has adopted an amendment to the Guidelines on Regional State aid (‘RAG') to allow Member States to grant higher amounts of regional aid for investment projects covered by the Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform (‘STEP'). The STEP aims to support the development and manufacturing of critical technologies relevant to the EU green and digital transitions, as well as the EU's strategic sovereignty.

Commission adopts revised Market Definition Notice for competition cases

The European Commission has today adopted a revised Market Definition Notice (“the Notice”). Market definition requires identifying the boundaries of competition between companies when assessing mergers and most antitrust cases. The revised Notice brings the Commission's guidance in line with new market realities, as well as with developments in the Commission's case practice and EU case law. It will enhance transparency and legal certainty for businesses, facilitate compliance and contribute to a more efficient competition enforcement.
See also Questions and answers on the revised Market Definition Notice; the COMP Flash by Inge Bernaerts, Director of Policy and Strategy at DG COMP, as well as the remarks by Executive Vice-President Vestager.

Commission adopts new general rules for small amounts of State aid and for services of general economic interest

The European Commission has today adopted two regulations amending the general rules for small amounts of aid (de minimis Regulation) and for small amounts of aid for Services of General Economic interest, such as public transport and healthcare (SGEI de minimis Regulation). The revised regulations, which exempt small aid amounts from EU State aid control since they are deemed to have no impact on competition and trade in the Single Market, will enter into force on 1 January 2024 and will apply until 31 December 2030.

Commission consults Member States on a proposal for a partial adjustment of the phase-out schedule of the State aid Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework in view of the upcoming winter heating period

The European Commission has sent to Member States for consultation a draft proposal to partially adjust the phase-out schedule of the provisions of the State aid Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework aimed at providing a crisis response following Russia's aggression against Ukraine and the unprecedented increase in energy prices.

Commission adopts amendment to rules on small amounts of aid to the fishery and aquaculture sector

The European Commission has adopted today an amendment of the so-called 'de minimis' regulation for the fishery and aquaculture sector (‘Fishery de minimis Regulation'). The revised regulation, which exempts small aid amounts from State aid control since they are deemed to have no impact on competition and trade in the Single Market, will enter into force 20 days after its publication in the Official Journal.

Commission adopts new Horizontal Block Exemption Regulations and Horizontal Guidelines

The European Commission has today adopted revised Horizontal Block Exemption Regulations on Research and Development (‘R&D') and Specialisation agreements (‘HBERs'), accompanied by revised Horizontal Guidelines, following a thorough evaluation and review of the current rules. The revised HBERs and Guidelines provide businesses with clearer and up-to-date guidance to help them assess the compatibility of their horizontal cooperation agreements with EU competition rules. The new HBERs will enter into force on 1 July 2023, while the Guidelines will do so following their publication in the Official Journal of the EU.
See also FAQs on adoption of the new Horizontal Block Exemption Regulations and Horizontal Guidelines.

Digital Markets Act becomes fully applicable

The Digital Markets Act (DMA)'s objective is to ensure contestable and fair markets in the digital sector. And to reach this objective, the DMA defines:

  • Gatekeepers as those large online platforms that provide an important gateway between business users and consumers;
  • A series of specific obligations that gatekeepers will need to respect.
Potential gatekeepers that meet the quantitative thresholds established have until 3 July to notify their core platform services to the Commission.

Simplification of merger control procedures : in one minute

Listen to DG Competition Director for Mergers Guillaume Loriot tell you all about the new package to simplify merger control procedures.
[...] "The simplification package is a milestone moment in our effort to reduce red tape"
[...] Our objective? Cut reporting requirements by 25%.

Commission prolongs Motor Vehicle Block Exemption Regulation and updates the Supplementary Guidelines

The European Commission has prolonged the Motor Vehicle Block Exemption Regulation (‘MVBER') for five years, meaning that it will now be applicable until 31 May 2028. It has also updated the Supplementary Guidelines for the sector. The revised Guidelines will help companies in the automotive sector assess the compatibility of their vertical agreements with EU competition rules, while ensuring that aftermarket operators, including garages, continue to have access to vehicle-generated data necessary for repair and maintenance.

Commission updates guidance for measures to support the green transition

The European Commission has published today updated State aid guiding templates to assist Member States in designing measures, which will be included in their national Recovery and Resilience Plans (‘RRPs'), in line with EU State aid rules. In particular, the updated technical documents will help Member States design measures that further contribute to the implementation of the European Green Deal, while helping to end the dependence on Russian fossil fuels and fast forward the green transition as set out in the REPowerEU Plan.