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  19 November 2020  

EU Climate Action

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Further action required to meet 2020 fuel quality targets despite 3.7% drop in greenhouse gas intensity since 2010

The Commission today adopted its 2018 Fuel Quality Report based on the data submitted by EU countries. According to the data provided, the average greenhouse gas intensity of fuels in the 28 reporting Member States had fallen by 3.7% compared to the 2010 baseline. The year-on-year progress achieved compared to 2017 was limited to a 0.3% decrease. Progress varied greatly across Member States, but almost all need to take swift action to meet the 2020 target of 6%.

Boosting Offshore Renewable Energy for a Climate Neutral Europe

To help meet the EU's goal of climate neutrality by 2050, the European Commission today presents the EU Strategy on Offshore Renewable Energy. The Strategy proposes to increase Europe's offshore wind capacity from its current level of 12 GW to at least 60 GW by 2030 and to 300 GW by 2050. The Commission aims to complement this with 40 GW of ocean energy and other emerging technologies such as floating wind and solar by 2050.

Carbon Market Report: Emissions from EU ETS stationary installations fall by over 9%

The European Commission has adopted its annual report on the functioning of the European carbon market. The report covers 2019 and certain developments in 2020.

Start of phase 4 of the EU ETS in 2021: adoption of the cap and start of the auctions

The Commission is finalising the preparations for the period 2021-2030 of the EU ETS (phase 4), starting on 1 January 2021.

Commission launches four public consultations in an important step towards climate neutrality

The European Commission has launched four open public consultations on forthcoming revisions to the laws designed to limit the EU’s emissions of greenhouse gases.

LIFE programme: over €280 million in EU funding for environment, nature and climate action projects

The European Commission has approved an investment package of more than €280 million from the EU budget for over 120 new LIFE programme projects. This EU funding will trigger total investments of nearly €590 million to help meet these projects' ambitious goals for environment, nature, and climate action. This amount represents a 37% rise compared to last year.

First Innovation Fund call for large-scale projects: 311 applications for the EUR 1 billion EU funding for clean tech projects

In response to the first call for large-scale projects of the Innovation Fund, the European Commission received 311 applications for innovative clean tech projects in renewable energy, energy-intensive industries, energy storage, and carbon capture, use and storage.

Small is beautiful: How can the Innovation Fund foster innovative clean tech small-scale projects?
Ahead of the upcoming call for small-scale projects of the Innovation Fund, we are organising a virtual conference to discuss how to bring small innovative clean tech projects to the market.
Date 19/11/2020
European Hydrogen Week
The first edition of the European Hydrogen Week will be dedicated to the essential role of hydrogen in reaching EU’s commitment to achieve climate neutrality by 2050.
Date 23/11/2020 - 27/11/2020
Climate neutral food and wood: Showcasing best climate practices in agriculture, forestry, food systems and the bioeconomy
The European Commission hosted in October a series of webinars to showcase successful LIFE and Horizon 2020 projects in the areas of agriculture, food systems, forestry, and the bioeconomy. The presentations of these webinars are available for download.
Roadmap: Forests - new EU strategy
Deadline 04/12/2020
Fluorinated greenhouse gases – review of EU rules (2015-20)
Deadline 29/12/2020
EU emissions trading system - updated rules for aviation
Deadline 14/01/2021
Updating the EU emissions trading system (ETS)
Deadline 05/02/2021
National emissions reduction targets (Effort Sharing Regulation) – review based on 2030 climate target plan
Deadline 05/02/2021
Land use, land use change & forestry – review of EU rules
Deadline 05/02/2021
CO2 emissions for cars and vans – revision of performance standards
Deadline 05/02/2021
Short educational videos about energy for young Europeans
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Executive Vice-President Frans Timmermans

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