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Climate Forward podcast shines a spotlight on the Climate Pact

‘If climate change goes the way it’s going right now, my country might very well be flooded in a few years, and I might not be able to live there.’

Based in the Netherlands, Tjebbe Boersma has been a Climate Pact Ambassador for over four years. This year, he joined fellow Ambassador and host of the Climate Forward podcast Mansur Philipp Gharabaghi , also from the Netherlands, to talk about his experiences and reasons for joining the Pact.

New year, new tools to take climate action!

This year we are proposing new tools to involve friends, colleagues or neighbours in the fight against climate change. You can organise group activities focusing on climate action – just choose one or more from the following ideas: •    Climate walks •    Photo story workshops •    Local climate action groups •    Peer parliaments All the tools are at your fingertips on the website.

5 ways to fight climate disinformation | X

As climate change receives more media attention, disinformation skyrockets 📈 False or misleading information is being spread intentionally to sow confusion around 🌍 science and solutions. Want to help tackle the issue? 🤔 Hit the "more" button to read 5️⃣ tips from our #EUClimatePact Ambassadors!

Climate change and disinformation are global threats | Instagram

Climate change and disinformation are global threats! The World Economic Forum's Global Risks Report 2024 makes that very clear. #Disinformation is perceived as the world’s biggest short-term risks by civil society, academia, governments and the businesses. However, in the long term, extreme weather is seen as the biggest danger, and climate-related risks account for 5 of the top 🔟 threats in the next decade.

Act today for a better tomorrow

With the 2050 climate neutrality target looming on the horizon, we know we need to see more climate action, and fast. But what should that look like? Climate Pact Ambassadors from Luxembourg to Greece shared their experiences from the ground.

Act today for a better tomorrow

With the 2050 climate neutrality target looming on the horizon, we know we need to see more climate action, and fast. But what should that look like? Climate Pact Ambassadors from Luxembourg to Greece shared their experiences from the ground.

EU economy emissions in 2022: down 22% since 2008

In 2022, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated by economic activities of EU resident units stood at 3.6 billion tonnes of CO2 equivalents (CO2-eq). This indicates a 22% decrease compared with 2008, according to Eurostat.