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Press release

Panel Sessions

Two dynamic and engaging panel sessions were held, drawing on panellists, themselves representing multiple stakeholders, from different sectors and geographical regions. Panellists provided their thoughts and insights to questions posed, in some cases highlighting opposing viewpoints, but always it was an exciting and balanced discussion.

What next? What will it do? How can we be involved?

In responding to this, firstly, it is important to recall that European Blue Forum is for stakeholders to unite and discuss shared challenges and priorities with the aim of finding consensus, synergies and solutions towards a common vision. Thus, in a large part, its future direction and activities will be shaped by the blue community that we are creating. However, this is an evolving process, and it is necessary to create and maintain a strong momentum by firstly providing the opportunities for stakeholders to come together and voice their priorities and challenges, as well as aspirations.

A look back at the launch

The official launch of the European Blue Forum took place on Friday the 26th of May 2023 at Oceanopolis, Brest, France. We were very happy to welcome Mr. Seamus Kearney as moderator. Official opening words were provided by Director General, Ms Charlena Vitcheva, from DG MARE. She provided a brief background to the birth of the idea of the European Blue Forum, as well as her own hopes and aspirations for its future.   For those of you that missed the event, a recording of the opening session is available!

The European Blue Forum - What's Next?

When reflecting back on the launch of the European Blue Forum, it is hard to believe that it is already one month since we met in Brest, France. Although the initiative is in its infancy, having only been launched in April this year, we have been hugely encouraged by the positive support and enthusiasm received from you, our members. However, as you can imagine, with any new initiative, the most frequently posed question, both during the event and since, relates to the future of the European Blue Forum.