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From our media partners TEXT


date:  20/06/2023

EUSEW's media partners are committed to offering high-quality reporting about key issues in energy, sustainability, and European policy.

Make the most of this exclusive community offer from REVOLVE, the award-winning quarterly publication for all things sustainability:

+30% market growth in 2022! Heat pumps are gaining momentum across Europe as the most energy efficient technology for providing heating and cooling to buildings, and in the process replacing oil and gas as a sustainable solution for providing long-term energy independence for Europe. Discover more about heat pumps, and learn about primary forests, contrails in the sky, planning for droughts, and more in the summer issue of REVOLVE, plus a special guest editorial by EU Energy Commissioner, Kadri Simson.

This week, EUSEW is also in the media across Europe. Make sure to connect with our trusted EUSEW media partners to remain on top of discussions during and after the event.

Meet our media partners