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(#EBSIDemoDay #DigitalEU #EUBlockchain)

Over 400 participants joined from all over Europe to discover our first ever live demonstrations of EBSI's Verifiable Credentials exchange [...]

date:  03/06/2022

Couldn't make it? You can check out the recording.

When documents and information are shared online, it is still challenging to verify that the information is authentic. Having this in mind, EBSI has been working on several Use Cases that aim to reduce the time and cost of verification. However, these challenges cannot be met with blockchain alone. A new set of technologies makes it possible for Public Administrations, and Businesses to easily verify and trust information received directly from Citizens (or Businesses). Trust is possible thanks to the combined use of:

  • the Verifiable Credentials (VC) and Decentralised Identifiers (DID) standards from W3C – these standards are the root of a new digital document format;
  • digital wallets that carry the Verifiable Credentials – wallets can pass EBSI's Wallet Conformance Testing;

In this context, the blockchain supports the verification of the authenticity of the entities accredited to issue diplomas in a given country.

The Demo Day featured 6 demonstrations, involving 10 countries. Each demonstration showcased how to implement EBSI's use cases enabling European citizens to study, work, and move across borders by exchanging verifiable credentials, such as their diploma, transcript of records, student ID, and others.

As announced during the Demo Day, we will launch new EBSI Early Adopter pilots after the summer. Sign up here to be informed when our next pilots will kick off so you can take part!

You can also take part in EBSI by passing the Wallet Conformance Testing