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EBSI Newsflash

Issue 34 | February 2023

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Dear blockchain enthusiasts,

We are thrilled to share with you the latest developments of EBSI. Discover more about the Joint Research Council study highlighting the potential of blockchain to enhance efficiency of public services.

Wave 3 of the Early Adopters Programme is taking off. If you have not registered your application and want to be part of the programme, register as soon as possible by following this link

If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions for future newsflash content, don't hesitate to reach out to our team!


Curious about the state of blockchain implementation in the EU public sector?
Policy update
The projects related to EBSI that have been selected through the second call for proposals of the Digital Europe Programme are now in a process to prepare their grant agreements. Projects will start in early Q2 2023.
Technical update
The EBSI Team has been creating supportive tools to onboard and manage stakeholders needs and outlining anticipated requests from going into Production.


15 February - 17 February

European Blockchain Convention 2023 - Right in the heart of Barcelona, the event will feature 200+ speakers across a variety of panels, keynotes, workshops and fire-side chats on the current state of Blockchain, Crypto, DeFi, NFTs, Metaverse and Web3.



8 March - 9 March

Masters of Digital 2023 - An event about how Digital technologies can play a central role in tackling interlinked crises.




Blockchain fun fact
Gathering data on experiences of gender-based violence is a sensitive issue. And gender violence against women and girls is one of the world’s most prevalent human rights violations, taking place every day, in all the corners of the world.
Maybe you missed it!
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EBSI Newsflash | Issue 32                                    EBSI Newsflash | Issue 33


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