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New materials on use of Financial Instruments

date:  24/01/2017

A case study on the first rural development Financial Instrument (FI) in Europe and the initial findings of a feasibility study on market-responsive FIs supported by the EAFRD form part of a range of new information materials on designing and implementing Financial Instruments (FIs).

Produced by the advisory platform fi-compass, the materials cover FIs under the Rural Development (EAFRD), Fisheries (EMFF), Regional Development (ERDF) and Social (ESF) Funds. They include a set of 13 case studies examining the use of loans, guarantees and equity investments under the four funds and a summary report of progress in setting up FIs across Europe 2014-2015.

Additional materials including an ex-ante assessment manual and case studies explore how FIs can be used to support energy efficiency and the shift towards a low-carbon economy.