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A new study on funding for EU rural areas

A new study, procured by the European Commission, examines the contribution of the common agricultural policy (CAP), as well as cohesion and fisheries policies in addressing the needs and actions outlined under the EU rural vision. It provides a forward-looking glance at the 2023-2027 CAP programmed measures and a set of recommendations to streamline the funding available to rural areas at EU, national, regional and local levels.

New report overviews key trends and challenges in rural Flanders, Belgium

A new report produced by the Flemish Land Agency compiles data on demography, economy, land use, mobility, and local governance in rural Flanders. Overviewing societal issues, ranging from demographic shifts to economic dynamics, the report highlights the trends and challenges the region is facing.

A Dutch Rural Pact network comes to life!

The new Rural Pact network in the Netherlands was launched with a first meeting on 4 June 2024, bringing together rural development stakeholders including: civil servants from various ministries, provinces and municipalities; academics; and national and local NGOs.

Tackling rural health inequalities in Europe: a new policy statement

The new EURIPA Lincoln Statement 2024 calls on European governments, policymakers and rural stakeholders to comprehensively address health services as well as the underlying, wider determinants of health in rural areas, such as poverty, education and connectivity. It outlines a set of recommendations to strengthen rural health and social care.

New video: EU rural vision support for broadband connectivity

Watch a short, new video outlining the actions that have taken place so far to reach the goals of the EU’s rural vision! Mario Milouchev, Director at the European Commission’s DG AGRI, outlines key initiatives relevant for digital connectivity in rural areas.

Political guidelines for the next European Commission

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen was elected by the European Parliament for a second mandate on 18 July 2024 – discover her political guidelines, including on rural and regional development, for the next European Commission 2024-2029.

Connect with peers on key rural development topics of interest!

Are you a member of one of our online Community Groups? Take this opportunity to connect and exchange with peers on topics ranging from rural mobility to youth, and from migrants’ inclusion to Smart Villages. Become a member of our community platform and join the debate!