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European Commission
ENRD Newsletter
November 2016
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ENRD support for LEADER Cooperation

The ENRD Contact Point is working to improve the implementation of LEADER transnational cooperation (TNC) in the 2014-2020 period by producing dedicated factsheets and supporting a Practitioner-led Working Group.

The factsheets overview national and regional rules and procedures on LEADER/CLLD Cooperation. Specifically, they include information on each Rural Development Programme in terms of: project selection processes; budget allocation; and eligibility of beneficiaries, actions and costs. The factsheets will be continuously uploaded on the ENRD website as they become available.

The Practitioner-led Working Group will work to identify possibilities for harmonisation of rules and procedures, as well as to build the capacities of Local Action Groups (LAGs), Managing Authorities (MAs) and Paying Agencies (PAs). It kicked off its activities in August 2016 and is expected to produce a first set of proposals in February 2017. For more information, contact leader-clld@enrd.eu.

Steering Group reflects on Cork 2.0

The 6th meeting of the Rural Networks’ Steering Group (SG) looked at network activities to consider how they can best follow up and build on the outcomes of the Cork 2.0 Conference and Declaration.

Participants discussed the content of the Declaration and how to take its detailed policy orientations forward both through their own activities and through the European Rural Networks. A detailed report from the meeting will follow shortly.

See a Special Edition ENRD Newsletter providing a highlights summary of the Cork 2.0 Conference and Declaration.

6th NRNs’ Meeting: from needs to action

The 6th NRNs’ Meeting brought together representatives from 19 Network Support Units (NSUs) in Senec, Slovakia on 8-9 November 2016. Participants discussed ways to improve the two-way exchange of knowledge and information between the national and European levels, and how national and regional networks can best link with stakeholders on the ground.

The event saw an exchange on the latest thinking around the structure and role of the NRNs, how innovation is fostered within and between EU Member States and ways to actively follow up on the Cork 2.0 Declaration.

Resource-Efficient Rural Economy

The ENRD Contact Point kicked off work on the topic of ‘Resource Efficiency’ with a first meeting of a dedicated Thematic Group (TG) on 26 October 2016.

The TG, comprising representatives of various stakeholder groups, agreed the scope and future outputs of its work, identifying three sub-themes to focus on:

  • Water use efficiency;
  • Soil and nutrient management;
  • Soil conservation and carbon sequestration.

In addition, the TG will address cross-cutting issues such as: communicating the benefits of resource-efficient approaches; knowledge transfer; digitalisation; improving links within and between administrations.

For more information, contact: green-economy@enrd.eu.

Streamlining CLLD projects

A new online tool developed by the Danish Managing Authority (MA) facilitates the work of all CLLD actors throughout the process of supporting projects.

The tool is specifically tailored to the bottom-up CLLD method and is intended to assist Local Action Groups (LAGs) and fisheries LAGs (FLAGs) in project selection, monitoring and reporting, as well as project applicants and beneficiaries, and the MA itself. The tool could usefully be transferred to other countries and regions.

Read more about this good practice example in English, French, German, Spanish, Polish and Swedish.

Funding for CAP communication actions

DG AGRI has launched a new call for proposals for information actions aiming to help explain, implement and develop the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and to raise public awareness of its content and objectives.

The deadline for submitting applications is 15 December 2016. Read the full text of the call, available in 23 EU languages.

Funding for CAP evaluation studies

DG AGRI has launched a call for tenders on evaluation studies to provide synthesis and analyse cross-thematic issues related to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The deadline for submission of offers is 19 December 2016.

Read more about procedures and past projects on evaluation of policy measures in agriculture.

Studies on CAP post 2020

A new publication by the European Parliament’s Think Tank examines challenges for European agriculture in light of the preparations for the next reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in the post-2020 period.

The publication is divided in three separate studies overviewing the current context and future of: 1. direct payments; 2. market measures and risk management schemes; and 3. rural development.

Agri-food innovation and smart specialisation

A recent publication by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre discusses innovation in the agri-food sector in the context of smart specialisation strategies.

The publication overviews EU policies, tools and financial instruments supporting agri-food research and innovation (R&I) activities and explores the concept of smart specialisation. Additionally, it provides examples of national and regional approaches to smart specialisation from Croatia, Ireland and Lazio (Italy) covering: the stakeholder-driven ‘entrepreneurial discovery process’; project selection and activities; collaboration among stakeholders; and challenges faced.

New finance for Danish SMEs

A new agreement benefitting from support under the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) will provide finance to agricultural small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and young farmers in Denmark.

The agreement, signed under the EU’s programme for SMEs ‘COSME’, will allow the provision of loans to small agri-businesses aiming to expand and to around 75 young farmers wishing to acquire a farm. Find out how to access EU-supported loans and venture capital in your country.

CAP and the digital divide

A new infographic by the online publication EurActiv presents details on the internet connectivity of some of Europe’s rural and isolated farming areas.

The infographic draws comparisons between European urban and rural areas, as well as between EU Member States in terms of access to internet. Finally, it maps out EU tools to finance broadband and ICT projects in rural areas by 2020 - one of the strategic objectives of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), 2014-2020.

A call for Community Supported Agriculture

Members of the International Network for Community Supported Agriculture (URGENCI) adopted in September 2016 a European Declaration calling for the creation of socially inclusive, economically viable and environmentally sustainable food systems.

The URGENCI network is a grassroots movement bringing together citizens, small farmers, consumers, activists and political actors to advocate for “local solidarity-based partnerships between producers and consumers”.

24 - 25 November 2016
European Organic Processing Conference, Seville, Spain
25 November 2016
Conference on Financial Instruments under the EAFRD, Brussels, Belgium
29 November 2016
Managing Nature – Working Together, Turku, Finland
30 November 2016
2nd Meeting of Thematic Group on ‘Smart and Competitive Rural Businesses’, Brussels, Belgium
1 December 2016
Rural Networks’ Assembly, Brussels, Belgium
1 - 3 December 2016
Envisioning the Future of Food Across North-South Divides, Berlin, Germany
5 - 6 December 2016
Targeted Data Management for Evidence-Based Evaluation of RDPs 2014-2020 , Bordeaux, France
5 - 6 December 2016
Financial Management of Rural Development Programmes, Maastricht, The Netherlands
6 December 2016
Organic Innovation Days 2016, Brussels, Belgium
6 - 7 December 2016
Kick-off Event of the Smart Specialisation Platform on Agri-Food, Florence, Italy
6 - 7 December 2016
EU Agricultural Outlook Conference, Brussels, Belgium
7 December 2016
ENRD Workshop on Agri-environment Climate Measures, Brussels, Belgium
7 December 2016
Biodiversity Friendly Farming: Is Organic the Future?, Brussels, Belgium
7 - 8 December 2016
Achieving Results the CLLD Way, Båstad, Sweden
14 - 15 December 2016
AgriFoodTech 2016, future for The Netherlands, ‘s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands
14 December 2016
2nd meeting of Thematic Group on ‘Resource-Efficient Rural Economy’, Brussels, Belgium
28 March 2017
Forum for the Future of Agriculture 2017, Brussels, Belgium
ENRD Contact Point
Rue de la Loi, 38 (bte 4)
B-1040 Bruxelles
Tel. +32 2 801 38 00
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