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EU Open Day 2024

This year EU Open Day will be held on Saturday 4th May 2024. The Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development will be presenting a range of activities around farming in the EU, food safety and sustainable agriculture.

Women-led innovations in agriculture and rural areas

This workshop, organised by the EU CAP Network, will exchange knowledge, identify successful initiatives and projects led by female innovators, and provide networking opportunities in the aim of empowering women in farming and rural areas.

Ninth Cohesion Forum

This event will bring together a diverse range of stakeholders to reflect on the important role that cohesion policy plays in improving the well-being of all people living in Europe. At a time of important climate, technological, demographic and geopolitical developments, the EU cohesion policy needs to evolve to meet the ambitious objective of making Europe's regions more resilient, competitive and inclusive, embracing the green and digital transitions, and improving opportunities for all European citizens.

Seasonal and migrant workers in agri-food value chains

This event will explore the living and working conditions of migrant workers in European agriculture in the aim of developing a strategic approach to address challenges, such as abuses or insufficient access to basic services, in a systematic and forward-looking way.

‘MOVING’ project scientific conference

This conference will focus on the environmental challenges and prospects for sustainable mountain regions, exploring the transformative power of mountains and their value chains in shaping resilient and sustainable futures.

Final conference of the Smart Rural 27 project

This event will disseminate the knowledge and outcomes related to the creation of an effective Smart Villages support framework, developed by the Smart Rural 27 project to a wide range of stakeholders and discuss future support needs.

Tenth European Summit of Regions and Cities

This event will bring together mayors, councillors, regional ministers and top European and global decisionmakers to debate the challenges and solutions for the future of Europe and beyond.

Climate Pact annual event

The Climate Pact’s annual conference will bring together Pact ambassadors and partners for a day of networking, interactive workshops and panel discussions on new ways to take climate action.

Rural toolkit launch event

Register to learn more about the first comprehensive online guide to EU funding and support opportunities for rural areas in the EU. Gain insight into how EU funding initiatives can foster development in rural territories, by supporting local authorities, institutions, NGOs, businesses and individuals.

États Généraux des Pôles Territoriaux et des Pays 2024

The next États Généraux des Pôles territoriaux et Pays will be held in La Rochelle on 1 and 2 February 2024. This event is entirely dedicated to the issues encountered on a daily basis by those involved in local development, be they elected representatives, technicians or their partners.