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New leadership for the Rural Pact Coordination Group

The second meeting of the Rural Pact Coordination Group (RPCG), held in Brussels on 7 November 2023, marked a pivotal moment in the advancement of the EU's Rural Pact. The key highlight of the meeting was the election of members to take new leadership roles, the Chair and Vice-chair, essential in guiding the future direction of the Rural Pact.

Data crunch

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Empowering Nordic rural youth: A pathway to revitalisation

The report "From Fields to Futures: 40 Action Points for Rural Revitalisation" by the Nordic Rural Youth Panel 2023 serves as a cornerstone document in addressing the complexities and challenges of rural development. The document offers 40 strategic recommendations aimed at reinvigorating rural areas through enhanced education, employment, housing, and community engagement, with a strong emphasis on youth involvement.

Unlocking the potential of mountain value chains

From November 6 to 8, around 100 mountain representatives from 16 countries and 22 mountain ranges converged in Hungary for the Workshop, 'Unlocking the Power of Mountain Value Chains', organised in the framework of the EU-funded MOVING project (MOuntain Valorisation through INterconnectedness and Green Growth).

The Logroño Declaration for thriving and vibrant rural areas

The declaration, adopted by the Bureau of the European Committee of the Regions (CoR), emphasises the fundamental role of the Long-term Vision for the EU's Rural Areas 2040 and urges policy adjustments and earmarked funds. It highlights the need to address depopulation, climate challenges, and rural vulnerabilities for a cohesive future for Europe.

Highlight Report out: High-level Rural Policy Forum

This policy briefing outlines the key elements, or ingredients, needed to mobilise stakeholders around the Rural Pact and foster concerted action towards meeting the objectives of the long-term vision for the EU’s rural areas in the specific context of each Member State or region. It also presents inspiring examples of how these elements are put into practice.

Key ingredients to make the Rural Pact happen in Member States

If you are wondering how to make the Rural Pact happen in your country or region, this Policy Briefing of the Rural Pact Support Office provides you with the key ingredients needed to foster concerted action towards meeting the objectives of the long-term vision for the EU’s rural areas.

New leadership elected for the Rural Pact Coordination Group

The second meeting of the Rural Pact Coordination Group (RPCG), held in Brussels on 7 November 2023, marked a pivotal moment in the advancement of the EU's rural development initiatives. The key highlight of the meeting was the election of new leadership roles, including the Chair and Vice-chair, essential in guiding the future direction of the Rural Pact. This article delves into the significance of these elections and their anticipated impact on rural development across the EU.