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Welcome to the second edition of the Mission Soil newsletter!

From major policy developments to engaging international events – the last few months have been very dynamic for the soil health community. Meanwhile, the Mission Soil has been working hard to lead the transition towards healthy soils in Europe and beyond. Read on to learn about its latest news and future activities!

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Vivamus aliquam leo ac ex laoreet semper. In vulputate sagittis velit, eu hendrerit nisi dignissim vitae. Nunc nisi tellus, volutpat non lobortis ac, dictum quis eros. Nam malesuada euismod nisl id eleifend. Ut sit amet nisl quis nisl rutrum pulvinar. Phasellus fermentum dui interdum magna molestie, at rhoncus lorem fringilla. Fusce eget elit malesuada, aliquet quam scelerisque, pellentesque ligula. Fusce sed pretium enim. Nam faucibus, lacus eget blandit tristique, lacus sem aliquet leo, at tincidunt quam quam id nulla. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed neque elit, vestibulum in cursus id, molestie non est. Praesent mi purus, porta et nulla ac, rhoncus aliquam velit. Cras laoreet sollicitudin metus, non maximus metus vulputate ac.

Mission Soil Manifesto

The list of signatories of the Mission Soil Manifesto is growing longer by the day! More than 1700 businesses, research institutions, non-governmental organisations, universities, individuals, and other stakeholders have signed the non-binding document, becoming part of a vibrant network that cares about soil health.

Report, data files with balance sheets

Please download the whole report, including individual chapters on market fundamentals, arable and specialised crops and animal products, as well as statistical annex with balance sheets.

Short-term outlook – Autumn 2023 edition

Based on the latest data and the reflections of market experts within the European Commission, the short-term outlook is published three times per year (in early spring, early summer and early autumn).

Rural households spend more on energy

A Eurostat analysis reveals that people living in rural areas usually spent a higher proportion of their total household expenditure on ‘essential items’ in 2020. Learn more.