ISA² - Interoperability solutions for public administrations, businesses and citizens

New European Interoperability Framework is coming soon


In March 2017, the European Commission will adopt a Communication on a new European Interoperability Framework (EIF), a Digital Single Market action. 

The new framework will provide a common approach to public administrations across Europe in their efforts to design and implement end-to-end and better quality digital public services for citizens and businesses. This is practically done through recommendations implementing interoperability principles and models with the use of specific IT solutions.


EIF overview

The new EIF is the result of an existing framework’s revision in a way that new EU policies (e.g. Directive on the reuse of Public Sector Information, the INSPIRE Directive, the eIDAS Regulation), emerging technological trends (big and open data, cloud) and lessons learned from running interoperability programmes are taken into account. 

The need to revise the framework was confirmed during an extensive stakeholder consultation of public administrations, citizens, businesses and other interested parties.

The implementation of the new EIF will be assisted by the Interoperability Action Plan, which outlines priorities until 2020.

The successful implementation of the EIF will improve the quality of European public services and create an environment where public administrations can collaborate digitally.

More information is coming soon.

Stay tuned:, @EU_ISA2

Thursday, 2 March, 2017