ISA² - Interoperability solutions for public administrations, businesses and citizens

EU Datathon: 2020 finalists in the spotlight

Out of 121 proposals submitted for this year´s EU Datathon, the jury has preselected 12 ideas to compete in the finals during the European Week of Regions and Cities (October 2020). The candidates used open data made available by the EU Open Data Portal, the European Data Portal, the ESIF Data Portal, and by other EU institutions, agencies and international organisations. Read about the top three ideas in each of the four categories of EU Datathon 2020. 


  • Dataseeds proposes an app that aims to provide SMEs in the field of agriculture with direct access to better information to help them become part of the green restructuring of EU industry. 
  • How is Europe performing on its environmental commitments? Elaboro application quantifies environmental issues, identifies risk factors and measures the effectiveness of interventions. The app will provide an assessment of the amount spent in each country and insights on the outcomes.
  • The open-source platform geoFluxus for waste flow mapping and analytics connects regional industrial waste-producers with respective waste treatment facilities. The proposed app focuses on creating waste impact profiles for each waste producing company. 


  • Amires proposes a visualisation platform that maps the state of cohesiveness and inclusion of EU regions through funding. The team’s ambition is to facilitate evidence-based policy-making by identifying regions that are lagging behind and encourage their participation in future funding programmes.
  • The goal of EU Twinnings’ app is to allow you to find your area's twin (an area with the most similar statistics data), and explore similar regions in the EU. 
  • The FinLine app aims to help SMEs assess their financial viability and provide free customised advice for suitable grants and investment options. It will provide a tool for building a community willing to share financial and technical advice as well as people’s skills during the post-COVID-19 recovery.


  • EU Integrity Watch is an online platform that enables citizens, civic society, academia and journalists to monitor the integrity of EU institutions. The proposed app seeks to enhance the platform by integrating EU datasets on public procurement. 
  • Next Generation Democracy wishes to increase the citizens´ engagement in the political debate by introducing the European Politician Future Readiness Index. Through the app, citizens can follow topics or single politicians, see trends and get alerts. 
  • Fake News Shield detects fake news by scanning sources for their credibility with the help of AI. The app is able to detect false profiles on social media and works as an ad blocker. It can provide the user with warnings or eliminate websites with a high risk of credibility.


  • Citizen Journey is an app developed by 2 Think to help young people understand the impact of EU programmes. Measuring data in a playful way helps the user understand how the EU policies seek to ensure social inclusion, fight poverty, support research, and drive innovation and green economy.
  • Over 12 million cubic meters of wood (five million wooden trucks) have been stolen from Romania's forests since 1989. Digital Forest Dryads of Copernicus aims to protect the forests from illegal logging using state of the art satellite imagery, spectral analysis and machine learning. 
  • Government APIs for Digital Ecosystems in the European Union proposes a dashboard that will help to determine the value of government APIs, as external stakeholders need to be sure that government APIs are well maintained to build commercial applications or citizen-facing apps. 

Stay tuned for more information!

Friday, 26 June, 2020