ISA² - Interoperability solutions for public administrations, businesses and citizens

Knowledge Transfer Workshop on the Implementation of IPv6 within Public Administrations

Implementation of the ISA² Programme action on IPv6 Framework for Public Administrations

The Commission, together with PLUM Consulting, organised on 24 May 2018 in Brussels a workshop on Addressing the Barriers to IPv6 Deployment, in the context of the implementation of the ISA²  Action 2016.09, IPv6 Framework for European Governments. Its aim is to esnure interoperability between European Administrations and provide advanced eGovernment services to European citizens by sharing best practices and lessons learned and providing a tested transition plan. All the documents from the Workshop are available for your perusal at the website.

Building upon the results of the above Workshop, a Knowledge transfer workshop, aiming at all interested in IPv6 implementation within public administrations, is scheduled for 21 September 2018 in Lisbon, Portugal, hosted by Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon. 

The focus of the Knowledge transfer workshops is on barriers to IPv6 deployment and strategies for overcoming those barriers.

This project aims to help EU public administrations take a leadership role in IPv6 deployment, and to enable uniform adoption of IPv6 in public administrations across the EU28. To achieve this, the project will create a common framework for European public administrations to establish an IPv6 addressing plan, procure an IPv6 address space, and to prepare and implement a transition plan within their organisations.

Member States/Associated Countries are invited to send experts from their Public Administrations, namely those responsible for the IPv6 dossier and those involved in the deployment of IPv6.

The objectives of the Workshop are to transfer knowledge on the transition to IPv6 taking into account the different context in different countries; recalling the barrier, as well as needs, identified in the first workshop; and suggesting approaches adjusted to the different stages of progress of transition to IPv6.

09:30 Opening remarks
09:45 Lessons learned from Workshop I on Addressing Barriers to IPv6 deployment
10:00 Interactive session on regional challenges (focus on Central and Eastern Europe) to IPv6 deployment in Public Administrations
10:45 Coffee break
11:00 Addressing the Administrative Challenges of IPv6 Deployment:
  • Goals
  • Justification
  • Planning
  • Leadershop
  • Incorporating IPv6 deployment into strategic ICT planning
  • Case studies in successful IPv6 deployment
12:45 Q&A
13:00 Lunch Break
14:00 Addressing the Budgetary Challenges of IPv6 deployment:
  • Strategic approaches
  • Alternative budgetary approaches
  • Case studies in successful budgeting for IPv6 projects
15:15 Q&A
15:30 Coffee break
15:45 Meeting the Technical, Staffing and Training Challenges of IPv6 deployment:
Resources available to Member States
  • Diverse approaches for diverse public administrations
  • Training and knowledge transfer for local staff
  • Case studies in successful IPv6 deployments
17:00 Q&A
17:15 Wrap-up and Next Steps
17:30 Closing
Friday, 21 September, 2018 - 09:30
Lisbon, Portugal