ISA² - Interoperability solutions for public administrations, businesses and citizens

Test Bed webinar on conformance testing and validation

We are happy to share that the Interoperability Test Bed will hold a webinar on Wednesday, 9 June, from 09h30 to 11h00 CET, explaining how it can be used to carry out conformance testing and data validation. 

The webinar will provide details on how Test Bed can be used to realise a project’s conformance testing and data validation needs. As part of this webinar the Test Bed team’s experts will explain the services it offers and use cases it enables, following a narrative that starts from validators and builds towards complete conformance testing.

You will have the opportunity to learn about interesting cases from National Public Administrations that are already using the Test Bed, with presentations by experts from the Flemish Government and the German Open Data Portal.

Who should join?

Any member of a project dealing with semantic or technical specifications for which it would be required or beneficial to foresee validation or conformance testing.

No specific background is required to follow this webinar. The topics covered are technical in nature, but the discussion and demos will not go into technical details.

VIsit the event page on Joinup for the full agenda and connection details. 

Wednesday, 9 June, 2021 - 09:30