ISA² - Interoperability solutions for public administrations, businesses and citizens

INSPIRE Conference 2018, with a session on ISA²

INSPIRE conference 2018

From 18 to 21 September, the European Commission, the Netherlands and Belgium are welcoming you to the 2018 edition of the INSPIRE conference in Antwerp, Belgium. 
These are exciting times! Following the digital transition that is firmly taking shape, we now stand on the brink of a green transition. The Paris Agreement on Climate Change fuels the energy transition in the world. Circular economy principles, in which we consider waste to be resources, are increasingly incorporated in local policy. Meanwhile administrations, research institutes and curious and involved citizens monitor the natural environment they live in and care for. At the interface of these different actors lies a fundamental asset of the INSPIRE Directive: the obstacle free sharing of geospatial data and information across all levels of government and borders!
Now that the INSPIRE implementation and numerous (EU) scientific, green and technical initiatives are maturing, time is right to effectively help elevate each other. We can make it work for the common benefit of our societies and the economy. If only we work together!
Join us at  INSPIRE users: Make it work together and meet creators, specialists, developers and users of Europe’s digital highway for sharing spatial data on the environment. 


Opening Plenary 
During the Opening Plenary session selected political leaders will address the fine balance of users, producers and the ephemeral stardust needed to make an undertaking like INSPIRE work! 
14:00 Tuesday, 18 September 2018    

Green Economy
The Green Economy is everywhere, but is it? Come and find out how the use of Geospatial Information can adequately answer that question, and many others.
14:00 Wednesday, 19 September 2018     

Digital Transformation
Transit or transform : what core advantages will applying green and digital technologies bring, and how do we need to adapt our modus operandi to really take full advantage of them? 
11:00 Thursday, 20 September 2018       

INSPIRE Take Aways 
"Location, location, location" they truely are the three most important parameters in providing services and doing business. See how location information should be the heart of any strategy to provide services to the citizen. Forget the Information society, be INSPIREd by the Location Society! 
14:00 Friday, 21 September 2018    

Don't miss!

Chair: Ms Natalia Aristimuno Perez - European Commission

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Tuesday, 18 September, 2018 - Friday, 21 September, 2018 - 12:00 - 12:00
Antwerp, Belgium
ISA² participation