ISA² - Interoperability solutions for public administrations, businesses and citizens

Connecting Europe with Building Blocks: Making the Digital Single Market a Reality

Connecting Europe with Building Blocks

The main objective of this event is to showcase concrete examples of how the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) building blocks successfully contribute to creating a Digital Single Market.

High-level representatives and distinguished panellists from the private sector (such as banking and telecom) will successfully demonstrate the value of the building blocks and the eIDAS Regulation on trust services in the internal market for the realisation of the Digital Single Market.



This event will also clearly illustrate how the building blocks facilitate the creation of cross-border digital public services and related benefits for citizens, businesses and public administrations. It will also offer a unique forum for discussion on future CEF building blocks and remaining challenges to be addressed in the realisation of the Digital Single Market.

Registrations opened!

Visit the CEF stand to learn about the European Interoperability Framework (EIF)!

Thursday, 7 December, 2017 - 17:45
Brussels, Belgium
ISA² participation