ISA² - Interoperability solutions for public administrations, businesses and citizens

Catalogue of Services Webinar

Catalogue of Services

As part of its action "Catalogue of Services", the ISA² Programme is working on different activities, among other things:

  • An update of the tools (Data Harvester and Description Editor);
  • The publication of controlled vocabularies as SKOS; and
  • The change management of the CPSV-AP.

In this context, the Catalogue of Services team will organise a webinar that will take place on 23 January from 10:00 to 12:00 CET (GMT+1).

Registering is not necessary. The connection details can be found at the bottom of this page.

Provisional agenda

Intro and objectives 


  • What are your options for creating an interoperable catalogue of services? 
  • How is the ISA² Catalogue of Services Action supporting you throughout those options? 
  • Case from Finland 

Focus on the tools 

  • Toolbox 
  • Data Harvester and Description Editor
  • Data Validator 


  • Status of publication of controlled vocabularies (classifications)
  • GitHub open issues: overview per category 
  • Discussion on the open issues

Upcoming events and wrap-up 

Would like to stay up-to-date on this activity? Join this mailing list!

Thursday, 23 January, 2020 - 14:15
ISA² organization