ISA² - Interoperability solutions for public administrations, businesses and citizens

Public review: Core Public Organisation Vocabulary (CPOV)

This consultation ran from 30 August 2016 to 31 October 2016.

Policy field(s) 

Information technology

Target group(s) 

We welcome contributions from (i) citizens, (ii) businesses and private organisations, (iii) public administrations, and (iv) research centres, academic institutions, standardisation organisations and businesses supplying services to public administrations.

Period of consultation 
Tuesday, 30 August, 2016 - Monday, 31 October, 2016 - 16:00 - 16:00
Objective of the consultation 

The Core Public Organisation Vocabulary is a data model for describing public organisations in the European Union, based on W3C's Organisation Ontology. This work was created by the open Working Group that was co-chaired by the Publications Office of the EU and the Flemish Information Agency.

How to submit your contribution 

The following options exist:

Reference documents and other, related consultations 

The draft revision can be downloaded here.

More about Core vocabularies.

Contact details of responsible service 

European Commission DG DIGIT

Unit B6 - Interoperability solutions for European public administrations

B - 1049 Brussels


Results of consultation and next steps 

The feedback received will be discussed during Working Group meetings in late October and mid-November. The final publication of the specification is planned to take place in December 2016.

Protection of personal data and specific privacy statement 

Beware that your contribution will be shared on a public platform (Joinup) and that E-mails to the mailing lists are archived in a publicly accessible archive.