Improving the transparency of delegated acts
2017.04 Inter-institutional Register of Delegated Acts (RegDel)
National administrations, stakeholders and the public at large will benefit from the Register, as it will have a public interface documenting the lifecycle of delegated acts.
What is this action about?
The purpose of this action is to set up an Inter-Institutional Register of Delegated Acts. This is a response to the commitment undertaken by the European Commission, European Parliament and Council of the EU, in the framework of the 2016 Inter-Institutional Agreement on Better Law-Making, to "set up at the latest by the end of 2017 in close cooperation a joint functional register of delegated acts, providing information in a well-structured and user friendly way in order to enhance transparency, to facilitate planning and to enable traceability of all the different stages in the lifecycle of a delegated act".
What are the objectives?
The objective of this action is to set-up an inter-institutional Register for Delegated Acts, that both responds to the needs of the three institutions (Commission, European Parliament and Council) and increases the transparency of the preparation and adoption of delegated acts, so that the institutions, EU countries and the public at large have a better view of the full life-cycle of delegated acts, from planning to entry into force.
What are the benefits?
Increased transparency: the system will permit a better follow-up on the development of delegated acts, which is a strong demand from stakeholders, institutions and Member States alike.
What has been achieved?
- Successful launch of the Interinstitutional Register of Delegated Acts in December 2017
- Further development and addition of new features throughout 2018
What are the next steps?
The main objectives for 2020 are:
- Finalize the integrations with other systems
- Manage the transmission function from the new Register and validate and polish the new system before its launch
- Integrated Register of Delegated and Implementing Acts
- Provide integrated access to the work of the bodies supporting the Commission in the preparation of such acts