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Service sectors
Requirement Status of the act Notification Date
Applicability National reference number Further Information
Agriculture/Raw materials A requirement laying down fixed minimum and/or maximum tariffs with which the provider must comply Final
Only establishment Staatscournat 2024, nr. 19020 Further Informationpdf
Other A requirement imposed on service recipients mentioned in Article 19 of the Services Directive Draft
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services n.v.t. Further Informationpdf
Retail A requirement, other than those concerning matters covered by Directive 2005/36/EC or provided for in other Community instruments, which reserves access to the service activity in question to particular providers by virtue of the specific nature of the activity Final
Only establishment 1061556-WJZ Further Informationpdf
Energy A quantitative and territorial restriction, in particular in the form of limits fixed according to population or of a minimum geographical distance between providers Draft
Only establishment Er is nog geen referentienummer beschikbaar Further Informationpdf
Agriculture/Raw materials A requirement, other than those concerning matters covered by Directive 2005/36/EC or provided for in other Community instruments, which reserves access to the service activity in question to particular providers by virtue of the specific nature of the activity Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services WJZ/27947050 Further Informationpdf
Other An obligation on a service provider to obtain an authorisation from a competent authority, including entry in a register or registration with a professional body or association in our territory, except where provided for in the Services Directive or other instruments in Community law Final
Only cross-border provision of services Stb. 2020, 348 Further Informationpdf
Other Another obligation imposed on cross border service providers Final
Only cross-border provision of services Staatscourant 2022, 32903 Further Informationpdf
Other Another obligation imposed on cross border service providers Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services Staatscourant 2022, 31207 Further Informationpdf
Other Another obligation imposed on cross border service providers Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services Staatsblad 2021, 376 Further Informationpdf
Agriculture/Raw materials Another obligation imposed on cross border service providers Final
Only cross-border provision of services Stcrt. 2022/11474 Further Informationpdf
Agriculture/Raw materials An obligation on a service provider to obtain an authorisation from a competent authority, including entry in a register or registration with a professional body or association in our territory, except where provided for in the Services Directive or other instruments in Community law Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services Stcrt. 2021/17794 Further Informationpdf
Other A requirement laying down fixed minimum and/or maximum tariffs with which the provider must comply Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services WJZ/ 22275187 (gepubliceerd in Staatscourant 2022, 26392) Further Informationpdf
The application of specific contractual arrangements between the provider and the recipient which prevent or restrict service provision by the self-employed Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services Staatsblad 2020, nr. 251 Further Informationpdf
Other An obligation on a service provider to obtain an authorisation from a competent authority, including entry in a register or registration with a professional body or association in our territory, except where provided for in the Services Directive or other instruments in Community law; An obligation on the provider to have an establishment in the territory of our Member State; A requirement, other than those concerning matters covered by Directive 2005/36/EC or provided for in other Community instruments, which reserves access to the service activity in question to particular providers by virtue of the specific nature of the activity Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services stcrt. 2021, 17798 Further Informationpdf
Agriculture/Raw materials A requirement, other than those concerning matters covered by Directive 2005/36/EC or provided for in other Community instruments, which reserves access to the service activity in question to particular providers by virtue of the specific nature of the activity Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services Stcrt. 2021, 17794 Further Informationpdf
Rental services A quantitative and territorial restriction, in particular in the form of limits fixed according to population or of a minimum geographical distance between providers Final
Only establishment Stb. 2021, 425 Further Informationpdf
Other Another obligation imposed on cross border service providers Final
Only cross-border provision of services Staatscourant 2021, 43915 Further Informationpdf
Other An obligation on a service provider to obtain an authorisation from a competent authority, including entry in a register or registration with a professional body or association in our territory, except where provided for in the Services Directive or other instruments in Community law Final
Only cross-border provision of services Staatsblad 2021, 426 Further Informationpdf
Not sector specific and concern service activities in all sectors Another obligation imposed on cross border service providers Final
Only cross-border provision of services Staatsblad 2021, 103. Further Informationpdf
Other Another obligation imposed on cross border service providers Final
Only cross-border provision of services Staatsblad 2021, 361 Further Informationpdf
Other A requirement, other than those concerning matters covered by Directive 2005/36/EC or provided for in other Community instruments, which reserves access to the service activity in question to particular providers by virtue of the specific nature of the activity;Another obligation imposed on cross border service providers Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services Stb. 2017, 75 Further Informationpdf
Other A quantitative or territorial restriction, in particular in the form of limits fixed according to population or of a minimum geographical distance between providers; A quantitative or territorial restriction, in particular in the form of limits fixed according to population or of a minimum geographical distance between providers; Another obligation imposed on cross border service providers Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services Akkoord (Stcrt. 2020, 30790) en Regeling (Stcrt. 2020, 35642) Further Informationpdf
Rental services, Tourism A quantitative and territorial restriction, in particular in the form of limits fixed according to population or of a minimum geographical distance between providers Final
Only establishment Kamerstukken 2020- 2021, nummer 35.353 Further Informationpdf
Other - Trust offices A requirement fixing a minimum number of employees; Another obligation imposed on cross border service providers; An obligation on a provider to take a specific legal form Final
Establishemt / Cross-border service provision / Both establishment and cross-border provision of services stcrt-2018-68147 Further Informationpdf
Agriculture/Raw materials A requirement, other than those concerning matters covered by Directive 2005/36/EC or provided for in other Community instruments, which reserves access to the service activity in question to particular providers by virtue of the specific nature of the activity Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services Stcrt. 2019/29367 Further Informationpdf
Not sector specific and concern service activities in all sectors A quantitative and territorial restriction, in particular in the form of limits fixed according to population or of a minimum geographical distance between providers Final
Only establishment 96003321 WJA/W Further Informationpdf
Business services An obligation on a service provider to obtain an authorisation from a competent authority, including entry in a register or registration with a professional body or association in our territory, except where provided for in the Services Directive or other instruments in Community law Draft
Only cross-border provision of services Nog niet van toepassing Further Informationpdf
Business services An obligation on a service provider to obtain an authorisation from a competent authority, including entry in a register or registration with a professional body or association in our territory, except where provided for in the Services Directive or other instruments in Community law Draft
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services Nog niet van toepassing Further Informationpdf
Business services An obligation on a service provider to obtain an authorisation from a competent authority, including entry in a register or registration with a professional body or association in our territory, except where provided for in the Services Directive or other instruments in Community law Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services Stb. 2019, nr. 127 Further Informationpdf
Other / Beëdigde tolken en vertalers A requirement laying down fixed minimum and/or maximum tariffs with which the provider must comply; An obligation on a service provider to obtain an authorisation from a competent authority, including entry in a register or registration with a professional body or association in our territory, except where provided for in the Services Directive or other instruments in Community law Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services (Stb. 2020, nr. 220) Further Informationpdf
Not sector specific and concern service activities in all sectors A requirement, other than those concerning matters covered by Directive 2005/36/EC or provided for in other Community instruments, which reserves access to the service activity in question to particular providers by virtue of the specific nature of the activity Final
Only establishment Staatscourant 2019, 50334 Further Informationpdf
Agriculture/Raw materials A requirement, other than those concerning matters covered by Directive 2005/36/EC or provided for in other Community instruments, which reserves access to the service activity in question to particular providers by virtue of the specific nature of the activity Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services WJZ/14201450 Further Informationpdf
Energy A requirement, other than those concerning matters covered by Directive 2005/36/EC or provided for in other Community instruments, which reserves access to the service activity in question to particular providers by virtue of the specific nature of the activity Final
Only establishment Staatsblad 2018, 371 Further Informationpdf
Not sector specific and concern service activities in all sectors A requirement laying down fixed minimum and/or maximum tariffs with which the provider must comply Final
Only establishment WJZ/18250106 Further Informationpdf
Not sector specific and concern service activities in all sectors A requirement laying down fixed minimum and/or maximum tariffs with which the provider must comply Final
Only establishment WJZ/18050295 Further Informationpdf
Not sector specific and concern service activities in all sectors A requirement laying down fixed minimum and/or maximum tariffs with which the provider must comply Final
Only establishment WJZ/17142534 Further Informationpdf
Not sector specific and concern service activities in all sectors A quantitative or territorial restriction, in particular in the form of limits fixed according to population or of a minimum geographical distance between providers Final
Both establishment and cross-border provision of services Besluitnr. PS2018RGW13 Further Informationpdf
Other / Postsector A requirement laying down fixed minimum and/or maximum tariffs with which the provider must comply Final
Only establishment WJZ/119229334 (gepubliceerd in Staatscourant 2019, 56220) Further Informationpdf