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We invite you to save the date of 9 June on social media for International Archives Day

6 May 2017 : Open Doors Day of the European Institutions in Brussels

Visitors will be able to take a look behind the scenes of the nerve centre of the Commission: the Berlaymont building opens its doors to the public from 10am to 6pm (doors close at 5:30pm). Treaties, common market, Euratom : outdated terms, from the past or exciting ? Archives exist not only to preserve, but above all to reawaken the past and prepare to build the future. For more than 30 years we have been preserving the memory of the European Commission and making it available to the interested public. In the archives, you can find treasures and surprises!

Publication of COM files - November 2016

The Historical Archives Service publishes online the digitized collection of COM files produced by the Registry of the Executive Secretariat of the Commission of the European Economic Community from 1958 to 1967 and of the General Secretariat of the Commission of the European Communities from 1967 to 1986.

Publication of a selection of speeches by Jacques Delors for the 30th anniversary of his appointment as President of the European Commission

Activity Report 2014 published - July 2015

The Historical Archives Service (HAS) has prepared an Activity Report for 2014 FR.

Recruiting an archivist – November 2013

'Following the accession of Croatia to the European Union, the Historical Archives Service of the European Commission wishes to recruit an archivist of Croatian citizenship as a temporary member of staff.

Candidates must be archivists, documentalists, librarians or document managers - Nationality: Croatian - Language proficiency: FR very good; knowledge of EN and DE an advantage - Education: completed course of advanced secondary schooling (baccalaureate level) with a further two years' training in one of the following fields: archives management, library science or document management - Professional experience: at least two years - Other requirements: good database skills, highly computer literate.

Applications and requests for information are to be submitted to

> More information on the Historic Archives Service.

The HAS is moving ! - April 2013

The Historical Archives Service of the European Commission is moving on May 3 to the address below:

Cours Saint-Michel, 23
1040 Bruxelles.

To access the new building, please consult the map.

Release of new transfers/files - February 2013

References to a new set of transfers and files are now available in ARCHISplus and the files in the research room on microfiche. It concerns 2669 files and coming from various Directorates-General (DG).

Release of new transfers/files - June 2011

References to a new set of transfers and files are now available in ARCHISplus and the files in the research room on microfiche. It concerns 2552 files coming from various Directorates-General (DG).

The collection "Courrier du personnel/Commission en direct" is now available - November 2010

The complete collection (1967-2010) of the internal bilingual (FR, EN) newsletter of the European Commission, "Courrier du personnel" then "Commission en Direct" since 1992 is now available in the reading room. It contains a lot of interesting information on various aspects of the daily life in the Commission : news from the different services, changes in the internal organization, surveys, reports, portraits, discussion forum etc.

Activity Report 2009 published - April 2010

The Historical Archives Service (HAS) has prepared for 2009 an Activity Report. This report is the first of its kind. It covers a particularly important year for archiving at the Commission. This report was jointly prepared by the Secretariat General and the HAS and covers the entire lifecycle of records and archives management at the Commission.

The HAEU inaugurates its new headquarters - January 2010

Message from President Barroso on the occasion of the inauguration of the new headquarters of the Historical Archives of the European Union (AHEU) at the Villa Salviati, Firenze, December 17, 2009.

The site of the Historical Archives Service has been revamped! - November 2009

The Historical Archives Service of the European Commission has just launched its new website. It gives users an overview of its archival fonds and collections. The search interfaces of ARCHISplus have also been renewed. Users can now search for references to archives, minutes of Commission meetings and speeches of leading figures in a more user friendly environment. Enjoy your search !

Release of new transfers and fonds - November 2009

A new set of transfers is now accessible in the research room of the Historical Archives Service of the European Commission on microfiche. It concerns:

  • regional policy and aid to regions in various sectors;
  • the work of the Medium-term Economic Policy Committee (CPEMT);
  • the action programme in the social field for the period 1965-1980;
  • the second round of negotiations for the accession of the United Kingdom, Ireland and Denmark;
  • Archives of the Marjolin cabinet in charge of the economic, financial and monetary policy of the Communities between 1960 and 1969