Partnership on Urban Mobility at the CIVITAS Forum, 27-29 September 2017, Torres Vedras, PT

  • Lea Scheurer profile
    Lea Scheurer
    23 November 2017 - updated 3 years ago
    Total votes: 0

In September 2017, the Partnership for Urban Mobility was presented at the 15th CIVITAS Forum 2017 which was held in Torres Vedras, Portugal.

The event was attended by technical experts and policy-makers from more than 200 cities across Europe, with a total of about 500 participants. Raul Gomes from the Transport and Traffic Management Division of Torres Vedras presented the Partnership to politicians in a dedicated session of the conference. 

The attending policy-makers showed great interest and posed a number of questions. With the general theme of the Forum being "Small cities, big ideas", there was interest in the experiences of Torres Vedras in European networks such as the Partnership and how a small city can contribute to the construction of a more cohesive Europe, where citizens feel like real European citizens.

The participants were informed of the objectives of the Partnership and the ongoing work. They also received an invitation to a meeting to be held in the beginning of next year which aspires strong participation and involvement of European politicians.

The CIVITAS Forum is one of the platforms of the European Union aiming to share knowledge, ideas, ways of working and to solve the problems that cities face. The presentation of the Partnership to European politicians naturally fits in with this spirit of sharing and additionally helped promote the Urban Mobility Partnership.


Raul Gomes, Transport and Traffic Management Division of Torres Vedras, presenting the Partnership on Urban Mobility