Workshop on Urban resilience after COVID crisis, EWRC, 16 October 2020

  • Leïla Morais profile
    Leïla Morais
    2 September 2020 - updated 8 months ago
    Total votes: 0
Date & time: 
Friday, 16 October, 2020 - 11:30 to 13:00

In the context of the European Week of Regions and Cities 2020, a workshop on Urban resilience after COVID crisis will be held online on the 14 October 2020 from 11:30 to 13:00am. 

Thematic cluster: Cohesion and Cooperation


1. Presentation of initiatives launched during the crisis by cities networks

 - Urban Agenda Partnership on Security in public spaces presented by the City of Nice: how the action plan will address the role of cities in protecting citizens and building cities’ resilience

- EFUS webconferences “Cooperating in a crisis” (managing the crisis and analysing the long-term impacts)

- COVID-19 platform launched by EUROCITIES on cities' responses to the coronavirus crisis in different fields (culture, economy and jobs, food supply, governance, limit the spread, public and social services)

- WHO European regional office on how to engage local governments in political commitment, institutional change, capacity-building, partnership-based planning and innovation after the coronavirus crisis.


2.  Exchange and debate

The debate will focus on lessons learnt by cities, cooperation needs, and how EU-funded programmes can support long-term local responses and innovation.


Registrations are open until 27 September 2020. 

Follow this link to find more information on the session and add it to your calendar.