Workshop: Revitalising Small Retailers - Bucharest - 16 May 2019

  • Leena WHITTAKER profile
    6 May 2019 - updated 1 year ago
    Total votes: 0
Date & time: 
Thursday, 16 May, 2019 - 09:00 to 14:00
Franceza St 60
030106, Bucharest Sector 3

Join the European Commission on 16 May 2019 to better understand how you can help revitalise and modernise the small retail sector in your area!

The workshop shall explain the guide, Facing the Future: a practical guide for fostering the revitalisation and modernisation of the small retail sector.

Why join us?

Small retailers are an important source of employment and as many are located in urban areas, they have a positive effect on the vibrancy of city centres. However, the retail landscape is changing. Small retailers need help to embrace ecommerce and meet the demands of the new consumer. Supporting your small retailers to embrace technological changes and modernise, can help prepare them for the future.

The workshop will give you the chance to learn first-hand from towns and cities that have successfully implemented initiatives and the challenges they overcame. You will have the opportunity to pick up practical tips, learn about sources of finance and network. All of these will enable you to prepare solutions or create a successful local retail strategy for your small retailers.


To find out more

To find out more about the European Commission's policy on retail, please visit:

To read the guide, Facing the Future, please visit: