Workshop on "Green Deal? Achieve it through procurement!", EWRC, 14 October 2020

  • Leïla Morais profile
    Leïla Morais
    2 September 2020 - updated 8 months ago
    Total votes: 0
Date & time: 
Wednesday, 14 October, 2020 - 11:30 to 13:00

In the context of the European Week of Regions and Cities 2020, a workshop on "Green Deal?Achieve it through procurement!" will be held online on the 14 October 2020 from 11:30 to 13:00am.

Thematic cluster: Cohesion and Cooperation

Public procurement, if used strategically, can make a considerable contribution to reaching green (and other) policy goals. But how can we make this happen? We invite you to attend a discussion on the leverage that public spending gives European cities in influencing the market and achieving political synergies.

Objective: present the work of cities on procurement, their goals and challenges and the role of the urban agenda in supporting these efforts with tools and products.   

The Partnership on Innovative and Responsible Public Procurement is one of the 14 Urban Agenda Partnerships established by the "Pact of Amsterdam" of May 2016. Each partnership focuses on a specific challenge facing European cities and suggests how this can be met with better regulation, better funding and better knowledge.

The Partnership on Innovative and Responsible Public Procurement can help public authorities to deliver their social, economic and environmental goals and support innovation at local level. 

This event will be an opportunity to look at how local authorities can contribute to achieving European policy goals, such as the Green Deal, by using public procurement as a strategic tool and how the EU Urban Agenda Partnership on Innovative and Responsible Public Procurement can support these efforts.

Registrations are open until 27 September 2020. 

Follow this link to find more information on the session and add it to your calendar.