Workshop “Better institutions for more resilient regions and cities”

  • Jörg Mirtl profile
    Jörg Mirtl
    15 August 2017 - updated 3 years ago
    Total votes: 1
Date & time: 
Tuesday, 10 October, 2017 - 14:30
Rue Froissart 36
1040 Etterbeek- Brussel


“Better institutions for more resilient regions and cities”

in the framework of the European Week of Cities and Regions

Date of the workshop: 10 October 2017

Time: 14.30-17.00

Venue / room: 10/10 at 14:30 in room 1B at Centre Borschette



Laura Indriliunaite, European Commission

Florian Hauser, European Commission

Irena Parvanova, ESF Bulgaria

Rudolf Schicker, City of Vienna

Johannes Gabriel, Danube Transnational Programme


The session is moderated by Jörg Mirtl, Interact programme.

The workshop aims at connecting the aim of territorial cohesion and multi-level governance with the need for increased institutional capacity. This includes three main strands:

  • Increasing the administrative capacity in general, especially in Eastern and Southern Europe;
  • Better spending of EU Funds;
  • Transnational, interregional and macro-regional forms of cooperation for institutional learning (also with regards to EU enlargement & neighborhood policy).

In manifold contexts, capacity development is to be seen as a pre-condition for regional development.

The workshop focuses on horizontal and transnational aspects of public administration and intends to explore its territorial and international dimension. It looks at how to achieve results and accountability, policy making, structures and processes, human resources, and service delivery. It will also focus on how European Structural and Investment Funds contribute to increasing the administrative capacity of Member States, and how they foster an exchange among them. The following questions should i.a. be addressed:

  • How do EU funds and tools support administrative capacity building on national, regional, and municipal level? How does the general implementation of EU projects and programmes affect the levels of institutional capacity?
  • How does transnational and interregional exchange of experience foster administrative capacity development?
  • How can trust of citizens in administrations be enhanced?