Urban Future Global Conference : 16 - 18 June 2021, Rotterdam Netherlands

  • Leïla Morais profile
    Leïla Morais
    17 August 2020 - updated 9 months ago
    Total votes: 1
Date & time: 
Wednesday, 16 June, 2021 - 09:30 to Friday, 18 June, 2021 - 18:30

The URBAN FUTURE global conference is Europe’s largest event for sustainable cities. But it is also a community of passionate CityChangers from all over the world who drive change and create sustainable urban spaces.

The new roster of City Changers from all walks of life will be ready to deliver their riveting ideas, stories and experiences on how to transform cities into more wholesome places for living.

The next UFGC edition in Rotterdam will shape around the following core themes:

Urban Mobility – how to make traffic congestion a problem of the past,

Skills & Leadership – urban visionaries will inspire leaders of the future,

Circularity – a mindset that can easily become adopted by the next generations,

Districts – the local of the local, or how our cities shape our identities.

Another important tradition that will be honoured is the Young Leaders program.

More information and registration coming soon on the website