Newsletter | June 2019

  • Elisa - Communi... profile
    Elisa - Communi...
    14 June 2019 - updated 1 year ago
    Total votes: 0

The newsletter for June 2019 is out, highlighting the main developments accross the Urban Agenda for the EU. This months highlights are summarised below, don't forget to sign up to our newsletter to receive these straight to your inboxes every month!


Available online: a table showing all actions being delivered by the Partnerships

The Urban Agenda and its partnerships continue to move forward on the release of a table showing the actions being implemented by the partnerships. The table is now available on our website and will be regularly updated by the partnerships.

If you want to know which actions are focusing on better regulation, which cities are leading actions, how many actions are touching upon SDGs, addressing functional urban areas, take in to account the gender balance etc this table will assist you.


Survey on the Urban Agenda for the EU

Do not forget to have your say on the Urban Agenda for the EU and its future development! The European Commission is conducting an assessment study on the Urban Agenda for the EU (UAEU). You are kindly invited to provide feedback on the implementation and performance of UAEU since its launch via the Pact of Amsterdam in 2016. Your views are central for this assessment! For more information and to contribute to the Stakeholder Consultation click here.


Events: sustainable energy week

If you’re going to be at the EU Sustainable Energy Week, join the Partnership on Energy Transition who will be hosting a session to present their Action Plan during the event. 


Keep an eye on this newsletter and our Twitter account for updates! And of course, have a read of the whole newsletter.

