Metamorphosis: Cities for children

  • Maria Gaton Fraile profile
    Maria Gaton Fraile
    5 June 2019 - updated 1 year ago
    Total votes: 0
Date & time: 
Wednesday, 19 June, 2019 - 10:00 to 12:30
South Denmark House, Palmerston 3
1000 Brussels
Register URL:


ECF hosts a Metamorphosis stakeholders roundtable on June 19th from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm focusing on how cities can become more children friendly in their urban spaces city planning. 

In the past, the space between the houses in our cities has been used for a variety of activities and purposes, including work, entertainment, communication, as a marketplace and for transport. Of course, our streets were also the perfect place for children to play, to argue, to fraternise, to grow up, and to become better adjusted to society. This has been the case for many centuries, but the situation changed radically over the last 60 years. Nowadays this space that’s made up of roads and public spaces is primarily dedicated to cars. The human city space has become a room full of machines. In this transition, children were cleared out of the way; like everything else that interfered with the free flow of motorised traffic.

Metamorphosis works toward a “New Normal” where the enormous space reserve in our cities that is currently mainly occupied by machines can be accessed and used in healthier and more human-centred waysr people who live there and nearby.

Guest speakers at stakeholders roundtable (10:30am-noon) and press conference (12:15-13:15) include:

  • Mr. Mikael Colville-Anderson, Founder of Copenhagenize, and Producer of  TV Series "Life Sized City"
  • Mr. Piotr Rapacz Team leader - Uban mobility / DG MOVE European Commission 
  • Mr. Pascal Smet, Brussels Minister of Mobility and public works 
  • Mr. Karl Reiter,  Founder of Austrian Mobility Research

Stakeholder guests invited or confirmed include representatives from DG REGIO, EASME, EU Urban Agenda, POLIS, COFACE, EuroCities, EuroHealthNet, EU Public Health, Gezinsbond, European Transport Safety Council, Traject, etc.

Where: South Denmark House, Palmerston 3, 1000 Brussels Please register here (limited space) For more information about the Metamorphosis project click here. For questions about the event contact Randy at or +32 486 481 422 or
