Launch of the Handbook of Sustainable Urban Development Strategies

  • Elisa - Communi... profile
    Elisa - Communi...
    29 January 2020 - updated 1 year ago
    Total votes: 0

The Handbook of Sustainable Urban Development Strategies provides methodological support to cities, managing authorities and other stakeholders involved in the design and implementation of urban strategies under Cohesion Policy. In particular, it refers to Sustainable Urban Development (SUD) as supported by the European Regional Development Fund during the current programming period (2014-2020) and the upcoming one (2021-2027).

The Handbook is a policy learning tool, adaptable to the needs arising from different territorial and administrative contexts. It considers urban strategies as bridges between Cohesion Policy and local territorial governance systems.

The Handbook does not provide a ‘quick fix’, but rather provides suggestions - giving concrete examples and referring to existing tools and guidelines - on how to tackle key challenges during the process of strategy-making.

The Handbook will be launched at the 4th Cities Forum, that will be held the 30-31 January 2020 in Porto, Portugal.