Il ruolo delle città italiane in Europa

  • sandra gizdulich profile
    sandra gizdulich
    5 October 2017 - updated 3 years ago
    Total votes: 1
Date & time: 
Friday, 6 October, 2017 - 09:30 to 18:30
Sala d'Arme
Palazzo Vecchio
50100 florence FI

The role of cities in Europe: this is a conference arranged by the metropolitan area of Florence and Eurocities to explore chalenges and added value for cities having the role of intermediate body (ex art. 7 of the Reg. EU 1301/2013). 

The national governmental body (Agenzia per la Coesione Territoriale) is the Managing Authority of the National Operational Programme for meropolitan cities (NOP METRO) and the coordinator of the Urban affairs related to both the National Pogrammes for meropolitan cities (Patti) and the Regional Operational Programmes (ROPs) of the Choesion.

The Agency (Mr Giorgio Martini, Managing Authority of the NOP METRO and Ms Sandra Gizdulich, Integrated Urban Policies and Programmes Expert)  will be present to show facts & figures of the state of play for the Sustainable Urban Development (SUD) in Italy.