Digital Conference : Platform Economy – Decent Work in Times of Digital Transformation, 21 September 2020

  • Leïla Morais profile
    Leïla Morais
    21 August 2020 - updated 9 months ago
    Total votes: 0
Date & time: 
Monday, 21 September, 2020 - 11:00 to 18:00

On the 21 September 2020, the Berlin’s Senate Department for Integration, Labour and Social Services will host an European digital conference entitled “Platform Economy – Decent Work in Times of Digital Transformation” 

The conference will focus on how decent work can be achieved in the ongoing digitalisation process, especially for employees in the platform economy. This includes fair pay, improved workers’ rights, good working conditions and social security for people who find themselves in precarious employment. At the same time, platform work is also associated with easier access to work as well as innovation and creativity.

Especially in metropolitan areas such as Berlin, where the service economy is the major employment sector, platform work is strongly represented. The Senate Department for Integration, Labour and Social Services is committed to shaping the digitalisation of the world of work in accordance with the principles of decent work, for example through the dialogue process “Work 4.0 – made in Berlin”. The conference will therefore address both the challenges and the opportunities of platform work.

The topic will be highlighted from an European, national and urban perspective. In addition, approaches and examples of good practice from Berlin and other European cities will be exchanged to promote mutual learning and appropriate action.

Registration deadline: Friday, 18 September 2020 at 12:00 pm