Cities' perspectives needed: JPI Urban Europe public consultation for future research/innovation activities

  • Johannes Riegler profile
    Johannes Riegler
    22 March 2018
    Total votes: 0

What are your urgent challenges in urban transitions? What are the ‘hardest cases’  in sustainable urban development? We want to shape our research and innovation strategy according to your needs and priorities.

Dear colleagues,

We in JPI Urban Europe (please find an introduction below) are updating our Strategic Research and Innovation agenda in 2018. In order take up the most relevant themes/topics and to provide the framework conditions for cities/urban areas/municipalities and other urban actors to take part in our activities and calls for proposals we recently launched a Public Consultation process. We like to invite you all to participate in the survey to help us shape our strategy according to your needs, challenges and framework conditions.

The survey can be found here:

Many thanks,


About the Survey:

In 2018, the JPI Urban Europe conducts a process to update its Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda. As our mission is to provide robust evidence for urban decision makers we invite all of you who are involved in urban development to join us in this process.
For participating in the consultation you can either use the survey or join our discussion platform. As a registered user, the discussion platform allows you to discuss with peers and other urban actors and be able to react to contributions. For those who prefer to contribute without registration we offer the possibility of a guided survey to state your view, experiences and opinion.

If you have any questions/requests regarding the consultation please contact



About JPI Urban Europe

JPI Urban Europe connects public authorities, civil society, scientists, innovators, business and industry to provide an environment for urban research and innovation. We offer experimental zones and long-term research infrastructures. Our mission is to develop tools, knowledge and platforms for dialogue on urban transitions.   
JPI Urban Europe is not only an arena the participating countries' R&I strategies and funding schemes. The initiative also aims to strengthen itself as a knowledge hub, a platform for dialogue and exchange and a meeting ground for research and innovation funders, researchers, governments, industry and NGOs. Arranging workshops, conferences and doing various fora for dialogue/exchange and communication, JPI Urban Europe is working its way, step by step, towards the vision of becoming the preferred discussion partner for urban policy-makers on local, national and international levels.