Cities Forum, 27 and 28 November in Rotterdam, Netherlands

  • William MEJIA profile
    William MEJIA
    4 July 2017 - updated 3 years ago
    Total votes: 1
Date & time: 
Monday, 27 November, 2017 - 10:00 to Tuesday, 28 November, 2017 - 17:30

Moving forward with the Urban Agenda for the EU towards more sustainable urban development within cities all over the globe

On the first day the Partnerships of the Urban Agenda for the EU will touch base and present their state of play at specific locations, reflecting the topic, in the City of Rotterdam. From there a former ocean liner will host the Cities Forum on the second day where participants will discuss the progress and future direction of the Urban Agenda for the EU.

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Draft Programme

Monday 27 November

10:00-16:00 - Workshops on site in the City of Rotterdam

Take part in workshops that will take place on various locations in the city of Rotterdam. These workshops reflect several topics of the Partnerships of the Urban Agenda for the EU, including workshops related to the Sustainable Development Goals (New Urban Agenda). Learn more about how the City of Rotterdam and other cities are dealing with circular economy, housing, urban poverty, inclusion of migrants & refugees, air quality, urban mobility, digital transition and jobs & skills.

17:30        Opening session of the Cities Forum by the Mayor of Rotterdam Mr. Aboutaleb and Commissioner Crețu

Followed by a networking dinner

Tuesday 28 November

Take part in a discussion where the progress and future direction of the Urban Agenda for the EU will be reflected against global urban policies, strategies and goals. Mayors, Ministers, Commissioners and other high level speakers will reflect on their current challenges and results from the Urban Agenda Partnerships and will share their visions on the way forward towards better urban policy making.

09:30        Opening & introduction speeches

11:00        Panel debate & discussion – moving forward with the Urban Agenda for the EU in a global, European, national and local context

12:45        Inspiring speech

14:00        Parallel panel debates & discussions

17:30        Closing panel debate