All cities welcome to the URBACT City Festival – register now!

  • Perrine Cordero profile
    Perrine Cordero
    21 July 2017 - updated 3 years ago
    Total votes: 2
Date & time: 
Tuesday, 3 October, 2017 - 15:00 to Thursday, 5 October, 2017 - 23:45
Telliskivi, the creative quarter of Tallinn
10412 Tallinn

Under the headline “Good practice – Better Cities” the festival will bring hundreds of urban practitioners and city officials together to improve approaches in sustainable urban development.

Participants will discover the newly labelled URBACT Good Practices, find potential partners for new URBACT Transfer Networks, and go home buzzing with new ideas to improve life in cities without increasing spending.

“This is not your traditional conference!”

URBACT, the EU learning and exchange programme for sustainable, integrated urban development, has gained a wide reputation for innovative events that challenge, unite and inspire urban practitioners – and the upcoming City Festival in Tallinn is no exception.

Participants will be led through a two-day programme packed with structured exchanges and surprise encounters. For those arriving the day before the Festival opens, there are optional city visits on the afternoon of 3 October, and a Good Practice award ceremony in the evening, attended by the Mayor of Tallinn.

Workshops, panel discussions and networking sessions will be held within Tallinn’s ‘Telliskivi Creative City’, a setting with a unique creative vibe that is as much a part of the programme as the speakers and sessions.

Ideas for improving cities

The URBACT Good Practices to be showcased in the Festival have been tried and tested by cities ranging from Aarhus in Denmark to Zaragoza in Spain. These are practical solutions to everyday challenges, such as demographic change, climate and environmental targets, unemployment and urban poverty. All are available here, with contact details of the urban professionals directly responsible for them.

Who can come?

  • All cities that applied to the URBACT Good Practice call
  • Cities of all sizes interested in joining an URBACT Transfer Network
  • Urban practitioners, policymakers an elected representatives at local, regional, national or international level

URBACT thought about cities of all sizes when designing the event. The aim is to give smaller and mid-sized European cities some of the limelight that is often reserved for capitals.

URBACT is urging all interested participants to register now while places last. Places will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.

“What you get from the event will also depend on what you put in. With a little bit of preparation, plenty of keen participation and some chance encounters, you can get some great ideas to set your city on a course for better policy delivery.”