
  • Beatriz OLITE profile
    Beatriz OLITE
    25 October 2018 - updated 2 years ago
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About the innovator

Ifinity provides beacons-based tailor-made technologies to cities, public spaces, and commercial customers to let people digitally interact with them through their mobiles. The company’s beacons are small transmitters, which placed around buildings, trains, and items to assist citizens with their everyday life. Its beacons are used in indoor navigation, way finding, accessibility, context and location awareness, remote control integration, and real-time reporting and analytics applications. The company serves cities, educational organizations, healthcare companies, exhibitions, retail and ESL companies.

Ifinity is placing thousands of beacons around Warsaw to facilitate mobility for the visually impaired. The applied technology integrates with existing electronic systems at public offices and buses allowing them to navigate their way and providing them with remote services. As result, Ifinity’s implementation transforms the lives of the visually impaired, saving them hours of travel per day and allowing them greater self-sufficiency.

Ifinity on Facebook and Twitter

What is the innovation

Digital context management system and beacons for interactive educational games in the Beaconing project. Ifinity's technology allows mobile applications to react to the reality surrounding the smartphone and trigger a specific interaction in the right place and time. Such functionality required the creation of an advanced tool to manage beacons and their positions on the maps. This technology allows other parts of the Beaconing project to be context-aware and respond to a specific, designed way.

Out of the lab. Into the market

We plan to use interactive technologies of geolocalized games to tell stories to tourists in cities, with a strong emphasis on the blind people. We see great potential to implement the contex-aware information layer in public facilities, museums, galleries, that will allow visually impaired people to become independent. In addition, we see the possibility of technology implementation on large university campuses.

Benefits of participation in the Framework Programme

We have expanded our knowledge and competences in the subject of many new areas and realized new opportunities for our technology, emerged at the edge of gamification, artificial intelligence, and e-learning. We make full use of and derive benefit from those mixed technologies in the future products in cooperation with partners from the Baconing project. We have learned to manage projects in the extensive international structure of several partners and work on large pilot projects.
This innovation was funded via H2020 project BEACONING

Team behind the innovation



/futurium/en/file/ifinity-smart-cities-smart-people-smart-livingIfinity - Smart Cities. Smart People. Smart Living