INSPIRATION Final Conference - World Soil Day, Brussels

  • Lea Scheurer profile
    Lea Scheurer
    5 December 2017
    Total votes: 0
Date & time: 
Monday, 4 December, 2017 - 11:45 to Wednesday, 6 December, 2017 - 11:45
Avenue du Port 86c/3000
1000 Brussels

This year's World Soil Day is dedicated to research. Research generates knowledge and knowledge is the backbone for managing our land and soil sustainably. Current knowledge gaps in Europe and available options to close them are key issues for discussion at World Soil Day 2017. Policy-makers, end-users of research and scientists will share where they perceive the most crucial knowledge gaps and express their demands and expectations for future European and transnational science and research. A special track will bring together funders to discuss options for the implementation of transnational research. 

Find more information at the conference website and at the INSPIRATION website.