How to start your journey on temporary use? URBACT REFILL final conference

  • Marton Matko profile
    Marton Matko
    9 March 2018
    Total votes: 0
Date & time: 
Tuesday, 27 March, 2018 - 08:30 to 15:30
9000 Ghent

Many cities experiment with the concept of ‘Temporary Use’ of abandoned and derelict spaces. It’s an important and inspiring source of innovation and change in cities, being a motor and incubator for new forms of urbanity.

Since September 2015 the REFILL network has been studying the practice of temporary use in different European cities. The REFILL network involves partners from Amersfoort, Athens, Bremen, Cluj, Ghent, Helsinki, Nantes, Ostrava, Poznan and Riga. They worked together to develop knowledge and good practices on this topic. REFILL Thematic Network is part of the European URBACT Programme.

The REFILL final conference will be an interactive day where we will disseminate the project results.

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