Mandat International

  • Natalia GARCIA-... profile
    Natalia GARCIA-...
    29 July 2019 - updated 1 year ago
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About the innovator

Mandat International is a Geneva based foundation and research centre actively engaged in promoting international cooperation in the research domain. It has special consultative status to the UN and is an active ITU member where it serves as Rapporteur on Emerging Technologies. Mandat International is developing research in areas such as the Internet of Things, networking technologies, smart cities, cybersecurity, and personal data protection. Its IoT Lab platform ( federates several testbeds and brings together several research teams to build bridges between the research in ICT (and Internet of Things), the industry, the standardization and the sustainable development. Together with the IoT Forum, Mandat International contributed to draft the International Declaration on IoT for Sustainable Development. It also coordinated the development of the EuroPrivacy certification scheme on GDPR compliance. 

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What is the innovation

F-Interop, a H2020 European research project, has researched and developed a platform of online testing tools for emerging standards and technologies of the Internet of Things. It enables remote interoperability tests, conformance tests and performance tests.
Its online interoperability and performance test tools support emerging IoT-related technologies from standardization to market. It intends to support researchers, product development by SME, and standardization processes.
It worked in close cooperation with several standard development organizations, including ETSI, ITU, oneM2M, W3C, IETF, etc. It provides testing tools for several IoT standards and protocols, such as CoAP, oneM2M, WoT, 6TiSCH, etc.
The F-Interop brings together three federations of testbeds (IoT Lab, Fed4FIRE, oneLab) through a testbed as a service providing access to over 40 testbeds across Europe and over 5'000 motes.

Out of the lab. Into the market

The F-Interop platform is accessible online. The consortium has established a dedicated organizations, the Online Testing Association (OTA) for maintaining and further developing the F-Interop platform.
The objective of OTA is now to get various standardization communities onboard to further develop the modules of test across the Internet of Things market and industry.
F-Interop also adopted a market strategy accompanying the technology life cycle, from the standardization of emerging technologies to their adoption by the industry and the market. F-Interop is also looking for industrial and venture partners.

Benefits of participation in Horizon 2020

The European research programme provided a unique opportunity to bring together top researchers from across Europe in order to work together. The European Research programme enabled to leverage on the complementary expertise and know-how of each member of the consortium.
Cross-fertilization is another key characteristics of H2020 contribution, by enabling our researchers to learn from each other.
Our organization aims at promoting international cooperation and the project was an opportunity to:
- bring together various international research teams
- to federate together various international testbeds
- to engage with several international standards development organizations

This innovation was funded via H2020 project F-Interop


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