REGIOSTARS AWARDS 2019 - Health: The New Star in EU’s Regional Constellation

  • Birgit SANDU GOCIU profile
    Birgit SANDU GOCIU
    25 June 2019 - updated 1 year ago
    Total votes: 1

On February 19, the European Commission has launched its annual REGIOSTARS Awards and “Modernising Health Services” has been included in the 2019’s constellation as category of the year! Projects are now ready to be voted!

REGIOSTARS Awards – the annual competition rewarding excellence and new approaches in regional development – confirms the increasing importance of good and accessible health-care systems for the economic prosperity and social cohesion of European regions!

The announcement was made during the meeting on “Cohesion Policy Investments in Health”, which gathered several health professionals and the Commissioners Cretu (DG REGIO) and Andriukaitis (DG SANTE) around the theme of future EU investments in health under the 2021-2027 Cohesion Policy Programme. On the same occasion, the Pyrenees Working Community presented the b-soultions’ pilot project focused on improving cross-border emergency services in the Pyrenees between the border regions of France, Spain and the Principality of Andorra.  


Health in the REGIOSTARS Awards

The new category focuses on innovative projects aimed at modernising health services and bringing innovative approaches to the field, including in transnational and cross-border contexts.

Applications were collected from mid-February until the beginning of May. Fifty-six projects are now pre-selected under the health category, of which seven are Interreg!

You can vote your favourite projects until the 9th of July! The most voted projects will be assessed by an independent jury that will draw five finalists per category. The winners will be invited to Brussels in October 2019 to receive a price at the REGIOSTARS Awards ceremony.


You can read more about the REGIOSTARS Awards and all the projects here!

