Europass Platform

The new Europass platform will be a secure, accessible and user-friendly platform that carries a set of web-based tools and information to support individuals in managing the different stages of their career and learning.

The  platform is the online hub where the web-based tools that define the new Europass will be available. This online platform is being developed by the European Commision in regular consultation with the Europass advisory group and other key stakeholders.  





The online platform as stated in Article 3 (1) of the EU Decision on Europass will provide web-based tools for:

  • documenting and describing personal information (Example : CV templates) as well as skills and qualifications;
  • the assessment of skills and self-assessment of skills; and
  • documenting the learning outcomes of qualifications.

Ongoing work

  • An online consultation as carried out in February 2019 to get feedback from key stakeholders on the proposed homepage and online profile.
  • The resposes of the survey have been analysed and the constructive results of the consultation will feed into the next iteration of the online platform that will be tested by users.

The online platform is being developed with end-users as the focus and will undertake regular user testing to ensure that it can reach to a wide range of users.