
  • Beatriz OLITE profile
    Beatriz OLITE
    23 October 2018 - updated 2 years ago
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About the innovator

GlassUp is an Italian startup based in Modena. Since its foundation the company, has been working on the augmented reality technology. The team counts on 19 resources divided into 3 main departments: Marketing & Sales, Administration and the R&D which is the most copious. Thanks to the team’s efforts and competences, GlassUp has developed and manufactured GlassUp F4: augmented reality glasses for remote assistance and on the job training on shop floors.

GassUP on social media channels: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.

What is the innovation

Thanks to the European funded project, GlassUp has been able to work on the development and integration of the augmented reality technology into F4 goggles. This process has been very complicated as it is based on the coexistence of an optical system, an electric micro-circuit, and a firmware. The optical system has been miniaturized and the electronics as well.

Out of the lab. Into the market

For bringing our innovation out of the lab we have developed a strong go to market strategy divided into three different stages.

  • STEP 1: 2017 INTRODUCTION: pilot projects in collaboration with industrial end-users mainly represented by big Italian manufacturing companies. Collection of feedbacks to optimize the product;
  • STEP 2: 2018 BOOST: development of customers.
  • STEP 3: 2019 SCALING UP: third stage foresees to start scalating globally by creating distribution channels with local hubs in non-European markets.

Benefits of participation in the Framework Programme

Our participation in the framework of Innovation programme was fundamental for us. Thanks to the highly qualified resources that have joined our team, we have been able to work on long-term research and development projects.  The new competences acquired, allowed us to work on the technical improvements of the device and to increase the know-how of the company. While we keep working on the product’s improvements, now we would like to turn our solution into real profitable product.
This innovation was funded via H2020 project SatisFactory

Team behind the innovation




/futurium/en/file/glassup-f4-future-manufacturingGlassUp F4 - The future of manufacturing