
  • Roman Brenne profile
    Roman Brenne
    15 September 2017 - updated 3 years ago
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Within the EU-funded project ToMax, Lithoz has advanced lithography based additive manufacturing of ceramics by developing a novel 3D printer concept combining fast printing, excellent resolution, and a large building envelope.  Furthermore, a world-first 3D printable silicon nitride ceramic with outstanding material properties has been developed and commercialized.  These achievements are expanding the potential of these high performance, critical application materials.

About the Innovator

Lithoz GmbH is a spin-off from TU Wien’s project PHOCAM, which was funded under the EU's FP7 programme. It develops, produces, and sells AM (Additive Manufacturing—the industrial version of 3-D printing) systems and materials for high-performance ceramics and is the innovation and world market leader in this area. Lithoz covers the complete process chain from material and process development to the development of the hardware and software. Lithoz is continuously advancing its LCM (Lithography-based Ceramic Manufacturing)-process with a team of 40 employees and more than 20 researchers.


Lithoz GmbH

What is the innovation

Within ToMax one of the Gordian Knots has been cut by developing a novel 3D printer concept which combines high printing speed, excellent resolution, and a large building envelope. Additionally, a high-performance silicon nitride material for AM was developed which achieves the same material properties as in conventional processes.  This achievement is unique, as Lithoz is the only company worldwide with the ability to produce silicon nitride in a lithography-based additive manufacturing process.

Out of the lab - Into the Market

As world market leader in AM of high-performance ceramics Lithoz has active business relations and R&D projects on all 5 continents. Lithoz will use these existing channels to further develop this market. In addition, a new seminar series “AM Ceramics” was launched within ToMax, to provide a deep and honest insight into AM for the ceramic industry and academia.

Benefits of participation in the Framework Programme

Lithoz is a young and small SME, which has started in 2011 with 2 employees and has ) in 2017 grown to 40 employees (including 3 in its US subsidiary. R&D is the most important foundation for Lithoz and therefore Lithoz invests more than 50 % (including funding) in the development of new materials and machines. Without EU funding, this would not have been possible and Lithoz would not have been able to achieve innovation and market leadership.