• Roman Brenne profile
    Roman Brenne
    15 September 2017 - updated 3 years ago
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Reliability of semiconductor devices is an increasing concern, as our everyday life - sometimes literally - depends on appliances such as cars and airplanes that rely on ever more complex electronics. For space missions, reliability is even more critical. In order to obtain more reliable and cheaper devices, the Reliability under Variability (MoRV) tool flow was developed with EU-funding: The physical simulation models of Austrian SME GTS seamlessly integrate in standard EDA industry processes, allowing to create ageing aware designs.

About the Innovator

GTS is an independent European TCAD provider, with in-house research, management, and production located at GTS headquarters in Vienna. This setup is key for GTS' agility and efficiency in creating outstanding software solutions for today's semiconductor industry. As leading expert in physics-based device simulation, we provide efficient yet scientifically sound tools for making the right decisions in device design and optimization, essential for path-finding and design technology co-optimization (DTCO).


Global TCAD

What is the innovation

Along with new and improved physical models for reliability and ageing in semiconductor devices, the seamless modelling chain developed in the project is a major step towards delivering a unique design tool set to the electronic industry. It will prove extremely valuable within the very near future, i.e. for the devices that are currently being designed in the R&D departments of leading foundries and electronics manufacturers.

Out of the lab - Into the Market

In the mid-term the results of MoRV will be incorporated to future version of our commercial software product GTS Framework. The MoRV findings have already led to a collaborative industry project on modelling noise in image sensors. GTS will continue acquiring such development projects with global players of the industry.

Benefits of participation in the Framework Programme

Being seen as co-partner in the EU-funded Morv project who is developing the MoRV flow increases GTS' visibility on an emerging market for reliability modelling tools. The MoRV results are an invaluable basis for ongoing R&D on the topics of reliability, noise and variability in logic and memory devices for European leadership in ageing aware design.