• Alberto Rabacchin profile
    Alberto Rabacchin
    14 September 2017 - updated 3 years ago
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United Kingdom

Legacy Data Centres are among the largest energy consumers at a global scale. Based on predictive analytics, hybrid blockchain technology and open standards/APIs, we have developed a system capable of relocating a federated Data Centre's computational load, drastically lowering its overall energy cost.

About the Innovator

Power Operations Ltd (POPs) is a UK-based start-up, founded as a spinoff of Synelixis Solutions Ltd., who were a partner in the EU-funded DOLFIN project. POPs aims to offer secure and trustable cleantech solutions, based on results of successful EC-funded projects’ such as DOLFIN. POPs also is capiralising on the close cooperation that has been establised with leading European companies and universities in EU-funded projects. POPs offers energy efficiency services for the coordinated management of federated small-/micro-scale legacy/green data centres. It also offers security and trust management services for emerging smart grid applications, building upon hybrid blockchains technologies.

What is the innovation

Our team has developed and validated over pilots a Data Centres (DC) Power Optimizations Platform (DC-POP), which contributes towards improving energy efficiency of federated Data Centres and stabilizing Smart Grids. Based on predictive analytics, open standards/APIs, and utilising SLAs as decision making and policy enforcement factors, DC-POP optimally manages, schedules and reallocates computational tasks to federated Data Centres. This drastically lowers the energy consumption of a Data Centre. ​This work was developed in the context of the EU-funded DOLFIN project. 



Out of the lab – Into the Market

Results of the FP7 Research project DOLFIN are being validated in real Data Centre trials under the H2020 Innovation Action project CATALYST. The expectation is that this further mature the technology (TRL-7). In parallel, POP’s novel blockchain-based security and load identification offloading mechanism will be finalized. A public beta testing phase will be opened followed by the actual product launch. The technology will be offered using a SaaS business model for federated DCs under the same or different administrative domains.

Benefits of participation in the Framework Programme

Synelixis’ participation in the framework programme's DOLFIN project allowed our team to enlarge the excellence in cloud computing platforms and obtain deeper knowledge on real-life DCs’ operations and best practices. DOLFIN’s initial laboratory test results were validated in small scale DC pilots and DC-POPs showed a large exploitation potential. This resulted in founding Power Operations Ltd (POPs) to finalize and validate the developments, productize and exploit DC-POP in a commercial base.